habit tracker quilters planner

This post was put together by Yvonne Fuchs and Kitty Wilkin – two great quilting bloggers who always have fabulous ideas and projects to share!

The Quilter’s Planner is filled with tools to improve every day of your life.  We all want to create good habits. Good habits help us stay healthy, get stronger, be more organized, make visible progress toward our goals, and of course be more productive with our time, resulting in a healthier, happier you (with more time to sew!).

If you want to establish a new habit, like a New Year’s Resolution, it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle establishing a new behavior and honing it into a habit. The more you do something, the faster it will develop into a habit.

The 2018 Quilter’s Planner introduces a Habit Tracker to help you stay on track, hold yourself accountable, and cultivate the habits you desire! Whether you choose to track one habit, or eight, the habit tracker allows you to work on acquiring new habits each week (the good kind of habits we all want to do more of every day!).

quilters planner habit tracker The habit tracker is intentionally left open, without defining which habit you should work on, so that you can make your own choice about what’s important to you, personally. You can choose to create a complex tracking system, or simply check off blocks as your basic habit goals are met. Once you find a system that works for you, incorporating the habit tracker into your weekly planning will help you create and stick to the great habits that will help you live your best life.

habit tracker tips waterFor example, if you want to drink 8 glasses of water a day, you can color in the number of glasses you actually drink. Seeing your progress toward small goals is so inspiring, and makes you work harder to achieve your goal.

If you want to work on more than one habit, like drinking water and exercise, you can use the two rows, or use two different colors. It’s up to you!

habit tracker quilters plannerYou can even track up to 8 (or more!) habits. A color code key can help keep your habits on track and brighten up your planner all at the same time!

Here are some closer looks at ways to use the habit tracker feature in your 2018 Quilter’s Planner. As with all planning tools and ideas, take the ideas that work for you and leave the rest. There’s no right or wrong way to use this tool, as long as you’re using it!

habit tracker quilters planner

Tracking many habits each week using a color coded key.

habit tracker quilters planner

First determine what habits you’d like to track and make a list. It’s a good idea to draw your master habit key on a post-it so that it doesn’t need to be redrawn each week–that saves you valuable time! Assign each habit a different color.

habit tracker quilters plannerColor a circle for each habit accomplished on each day and see your page gradually fill with rainbows as the week progresses and you meet your goals!

habit tracker quilters planner with symbolsAlternately, you can assign each habit a different symbol, in case you don’t always have a rainbow on hand.

habit tracker quilters planner with symbolsEach circle can be broken up as needed. For example, want to sew for an hour each day? Split a circle into quarters and color one in for every 15 minutes toward your goal.

Some common examples of habits that can be tracked daily are:
Steps Taken
Sewing TIme
Physical Therapy
Drinking Water
Taking Vitamins
Exercising – running, jogging, walking, hiking, planking, lifting, cycling… anything goes!
Practicing Gratitude
Taking a Walk Outside
Going to sleep before 11pm
Tracking Money Spending
NOT drinking soda
Tending pets or animals
Clearing email inbox
Posting to IG
… and more!

Which habits do you track?

If you haven’t purchased your Quilter’s Planner yet, be sure to click below and order yours before they sell out for the year!